Travel with Us: A Year-End Wish 2016

Enfant with lamb. Handpainted wooden bowl by artist Cindy Schlosser, Lancaster PA.

Enfant with lamb. Handpainted wooden bowl by artist Cindy Schlosser, Lancaster PA.

Art and culture, books, travel, unique places, creatures great and small, and a safer, greener world. We care about the planet — sustainability is our cause.

Thank you – to readers and followers of Green News Update — for making this another great year.  Since our startup in September 2012 we have posted 300 stories – and you have responded!

We all have something in common.


Believe in something that is bigger than you – one cause or many— make a gift from your heart, your time, your wallet. It might be animals threatened with extinction, forgotten people, places at war or impacted by disaster.  We need you to make the world a better place.

Wherever you are — our readers are in over 100 countries — we wish the best for you in 2017.

Peace, the love of family and friends, the comfort of community, the knowledge that we can all make the world a better and safer place for all living creatures. These are what’s important!

Take a stroll through some places–and people — we’ve visited  this year. (Click on the ancient olive in first photo.)